Scouting Update: Trail Camera pics

Scouting Update: Trail Camera pics

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Publish Date:
September 7, 2022
Trail Cams
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Standard License
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This video is the trail cam pics of the cameras place during our first scouting trip on Public Land. If you haven't seen that video the link is below. I show you a tire in the woods that by coincident I had my Coyote Wacker hat on, he did a tire set for canine last year. We will try to set this up for one this year. Coyote Wacker's link is also below. If you liked this video PLEASE consider SHARING. Have a BLESSED day and keep SHARING your PASSION.

Coyote Wacker:

Archery Scouting some Pennsylvania State Land:

By: Boxie Outdoors
Title: Scouting Update: Trail Camera pics
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Here are the best trail cams on Amazon