Red-tailed Hawk Takes Bath at Vernal Pool (Trail Cam Video)

Red-tailed Hawk Takes Bath at Vernal Pool (Trail Cam Video)

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Publish Date:
September 23, 2022
Trail Cams
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Another specie marked off the trail cam bucket list - a red-tailed hawk! This gorgeous bird of prey landed on the log perch I set up in the middle of the small vernal pool. It wasn't long before it decides to hop in the water for a vigorous wash and clean.
I originally placed a trail camera at this vernal pool (and the stump perch) in hopes of capturing an owl. It was quite the surprise to discover that a red-tailed hawk had paid me a visit.

Vernal pools, also known as ephemeral pools, autumnal pools, and temporary woodland ponds, typically fill with water in the autumn or winter due to rainfall and rising groundwater and remain ponded through the spring and into summer.
Vernal pools dry completely by the middle or end of summer each year, or at least every few years. Occasional drying prevents fish from establishing permanent populations, which is critical to the reproductive success of many amphibian and invertebrate species that rely on breeding habitats free of fish predators.

Looking forward to another visit from this red-tailed hawk - or an owl!

Location: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Date: September 21, 2022
Trail Cam: Zopu

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By: Justin Hoffman
Title: Red-tailed Hawk Takes Bath at Vernal Pool (Trail Cam Video)
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