Field Notes: Trail Cameras Capture the Emergence of Spring on Vancouver Island

Field Notes: Trail Cameras Capture the Emergence of Spring on Vancouver Island

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Publish Date:
December 30, 2022
Trail Cams
Video License
Standard License
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Follow two science filmmakers as they peek into a west coast forest to see wildlife waking up as spring emerges and their stories begin to unfold.

Hey, teachers! Here’s a cheat sheet of what’s included in this episode of Field Notes:
- Trail cameras
- Animal characteristics and behaviors in the spring
- Seasonal changes, adaptations to the environment
- Deer: pregnant does, yearling bucks, antlers, sense of smell, winter coats
- Bears: scent marking trees
- Bears, beavers, pine martens, deer, mink, and frogs

This episode is part of our series Field Notes, where two nature videographers and their trail cameras capture a year of hidden wildlife stories from a forest on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Created by the Hakai Institute
Produced by Bennett Whitnell, Grant Callegari, and Meigan Henry
Edited by Bennett Whitnell
Videography by Grant Callegari and Bennett Whitnell
Additional footage provided by Jim Palmer and Storyblocks

By: Hakai Institute
Title: Field Notes: Trail Cameras Capture the Emergence of Spring on Vancouver Island
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Check out the best trail cameras on Amazon