This month, Desert Trail Cam features nectar-feeding bats sucking down my hummingbird feeders each night. I have featured the bats on my channel before, so check out those videos, too -
Bats 2020 -
Bats 2021 -
A radio-collared bobcat returned this month. I shared the footage with the Bobcats in Tucson Research Project and they told me that the cat in my video is named Luna and she has kittens in the area. I hope to catch them on the camera!
Do you maintain a game camera in southern Arizona or northern Sonora? Support science and submit your pics to Fotofauna -
Read my article about game cameras and conservation on BorderLore -
#gamecam #trailcam #arizona. #tucson #animals #bats #coyotes #coyote #trailcamera #trailcameras #gamecamera
By: Lo Fi Outdoors
Title: Desert Trail Cam, September 2023 - Nectar-feeding bats, swarm of hummingbirds, and a one-eyed coyote
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