5 Tips for New Cellular Trail Camera Users

5 Tips for New Cellular Trail Camera Users

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Publish Date:
August 23, 2022
Trail Cams
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In this video Chad gives us 5 tips and tricks for new cellular trail camera users. Cell cameras can be the most advantageous tool in your arsenal, if you are using them correctly.

The first tip is to make sure the camera is working properly before you enter the field. If the camera works properly at home, you should be good to go in the whitetail woods.

The second tip deals with the antenna orientation. On cameras that have a hinge style antenna, it is important to face the hinge away from the tree. What this does is allows the antenna to fall away if it is tampered with by raccoons or any other animals that could potentially climb up the tree and break the antenna.

Third we talk about SD cards. SD cards in Cellular trail cameras are a pretty misunderstood topic. Firstly, you do not need to run a large capacity card in your cell camera. Most cell cameras today have the ability to format the SD card over the air or from the app. Smaller SD cards are cheaper, so that will save you some coin on that end.

Along with smaller capacity cards, we recommend running an SD card with a slower writing speed. Specifically under 80 mb/s. Fast cards seem to give cell cameras fits. So again, run a cheaper SD card with a slower writing speed. Your camera will operate more efficiently.

The 4th tip is to run some sort of external power source. At exodus, we offer the SP18 solar panel. External power is critical because after all, the point of cell cameras is to not visit the camera location.

And lastly, be cautious of what you are doing with your external power source cord. If it comes unplugged from raccoons or a stick falling on it, you will lose your external power and will then have to visit the camera location. Wrap the cord around a branch to take the tension off the plug.

Cellular Trail Cameras are what we believe to be the single most advantageous tool to deer hunters since the modernized gun. However, they can be cumbersome if you don't know how to use them properly.

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By: Exodus Outdoor Gear
Title: 5 Tips for New Cellular Trail Camera Users
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_VyVTUYk9Y

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